This website is for sale!

Great business opportunity with massive potential!
Unfortunately due to other commitments, we have to let this website go. If you're interested in a purchase then please contact

What is DoMyWork?

DoMyWork allows people to communicate and work together. You can either sign up as a user or as a member of staff. Users can submit their work requests, of whatever kind, and members of staff can then opt to work on that project at the price specified by the user. If you need help with your work, or are looking for work then you do not need to look further ahead than

How does it work?

Simply send us your project details using the ‘submit project’ page and your project will be viewable to DoMyWork staff. When you submit your project you will also be asked to submit a price that you are willing to pay for the completion of your work, and a date for the deadline

Staff will then be able to request to work on your project. The price that you pay for your work is safely stored in your DoMyWork account until your work is complete otherwise a full refund is applicable.

Some of our features

  • Any kind of work/project undertaken
  • Your project completed at YOUR price
  • A profile and rating system (You can choose who to work on your project)
  • The option to invite a particular member of staff to complete your work

  • These are just a few of the many features DoMyWork offers

"The Power to Work Together"

Is this website secure/Will my details be protected?

Any payment you make will not be released from your DoMyWork's account until you, the client, instruct us otherwise
